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Precision Medicine for Hepatoblastoma

Identification of novel therapies and predictive biomarkers using a unique EU biorepository

About PMed4HB

PMed4HB is a project focused on discovering more effective therapies to combat hepatoblastoma, the main type of liver tumor that predominantly affects children under the age of three.

Image by Marcelo Leal

El objectivo es comprender mejor los mecanismos moleculares involucrados en la agresividad tumoral y la falta de respuesta a la terapia farmacológica

Image by Marcelo Leal

Project leaders

In the PMed4HB project, a multidisciplinary team of 22 researchers from 5 centers of research excellence in Spain is participating. The principal investigators from each center bring extensive and complementary expertise in the field of liver diseases and cancer, as well as in the development of innovative models with the patient always at the center of research. This provides an excellent opportunity to study hepatoblastoma with a synergistic and innovative approach.

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Dra. Carolina


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Dr. Pau


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Dra. Malu


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Dr. Jose

J. G. Marin


Dr. Matías



We work with the largest European collection of patient samples with hepatoblastoma.

Paedriatic Hepatic International Tumour Trial (PHITT)


The foundation of the PMed4HB project is a collection of samples from patients with hepatoblastoma, unique in the world. This collection, initiated by Dr. Amengol in 2010, has been made possible thanks to the support of families and patients for translational research, as well as the establishment of an extensive collaborative network with leading hospitals in Spain and various European countries participating in the Paediatric Hepatic International Tumour Trial (PHITT).

Contact us:

Carolina Armengol ( - Coordinadora

Annabel Stefkova ( - Project Manager

Follow us in social media:

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All research groups involved in the project are part of the Biomedical Research Networking Center for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases.

This project has received funding from the Spanish Asociation Against Cancer (AECC).

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